
These slightly hardy to frost-tender perennials are natives of China and India. They are commonly called Garland Flower, Ginger Lily and Kahili Ginger. These plants grow from 4 to 6 feet in height. H. densiflorum forms clumps of oblong to broadly lance-shaped, ribbed, shiny dark green leaves on reed-like stems. In late summer, slender stems shoot up bearing dense spikes of small, fragrant, orange or yellow flowers. H. gardnerianum resembles H. densiflorum, but its leaves are grayish green and its flowers are pale yellow with noticeable red filements. They are produced from late summer to early autumn. The sweet scented flowers of these plants are short-lived, but are borne in profusion.

Pot Cultivation

These plants may be grown outdoors in mild climates, or they can be grown outside during the summer and brought in before winter. When they are grown outdoors, choose a warm, sunny location that is protected from cold wind. Grow them in rich, moisture-retentive soil. When they are grown indoors, pot them in equal parts of loam and leaf mold, with a bit of sand added. Water these plants freely throughout the summer and gradually reduce towards winter, when the soil is kept dry.


These plants should be divided in the spring when growth begins.



  • H. gardnerianum;
  • H. coccineum;
  • H. flavum;
  • H. Greenei;
  • H. coronarium;
  • H. densiflorum. 

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